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Bruce's Sharpening Professional Sharpening
Sharpening of
clipper blades, scissors, surgical/dental instruments, knives.
Repair of most brands of grooming and large animal clippers.
Bruce's Sharpening
PO Box 41, Maxatawny, PA 19538
for FedEx and UPS use 15868 Kutztown Rd instead of the PO box 41.
Email: brucesharp1@yahoo.com (best)
Phone: 610 683-5175 (LL)
A brief history
I've been a mail order sharpener for many years and moved from Hunterdon County, NJ to Berks county, PA in 2004. (note if you click on the underlined words it will take you the the relevant page.) Most of my sharpening is of clipper blades, scissors and surgical instruments and clipper service/repair work which mostly comes in by mail or UPS/FedEx. This ranges from Hawaii to Florida, Maine to Texas.
Quick turn-a-round of 1-2 days is common for these services.
Mailing address:
Bruce's Sharpening
PO Box 41 (mail)
Maxatawny, PA 19538. For FedEx and UPS and Local use 15868 Kutztown Rd instead of the PO box.
For the locals in Berks and Lehigh counties in addition to above I sharpen knives, pruners, hedge clippers, planer and joiner knives and carbide saws as time permits. A drop off box/pick-up is open 24/7 with tags, pens, business cards and envelopes for payment outside my large garage. Just fill out a tag with your name and phone # and when needed by. We will call you when the item is done and you can pick up any time from the box. Envelopes in the box for payment, just leave in box.